INNER CALL - Official Website - All Rights Reserved 2016
Website by Joao Duarte - J.Duarte Design -

All the posts from the category "News"

11/22/2021 | 196 views | Inner Call releases new video
12/21/2020 | 694 views | Inner Call discloses the cover art and track list for the new album
10/27/2020 | 360 views | Inner Call presents yours new members
03/25/2020 | 489 views | Review of the Arte Metal blog for the Elementals EP
02/19/2020 | 568 views | The official PDR 2020 grid is released.
11/12/2019 | 1.161 views | Run man, Run – Available lyric video for the new single.
11/01/2019 | 531 views | Run man, run – Inner Call’s new single.
02/14/2019 | 644 views | One of the ten best albums of 2018
01/10/2019 | 607 views | Feira, We are Back!!!
01/07/2019 | 600 views | Inner Call is top10 2018 – Metal Open Mind

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